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精品推荐 ---天珠

发布时间:2021-07-20 10:46   来源:网络    作者:admin

天 珠

Heavenly zhu

天珠英语是gZi Beads, 藏语叫(zi 斯)汉语译为“斯”或“瑟”,又称“天降石”。在《藏汉大辞典》里天珠的解释为:“亚玛瑙,猫睛石,一种宝石,俗称九眼珠。入药能治脑溢血”。最早的天珠为象雄天珠,象雄天珠诞生于古代横跨中亚及青藏高原最强大的文明古国--古象雄王国,它是雍仲本教的圣物,是藏族七宝之首”。

最早的天珠为象雄天珠,2014年,中国社会科学院的科考人员在阿里地区札达县象泉河南岸进行发掘时,发现出土了一大批古象雄时期的珍贵文物。其中就有极为精美的天珠,这是青藏高原首次考古出土的象雄天珠。 这一发现为考察西藏地区天珠的出现年代、形态纹饰等提供了重要的第一手资料,证实了古象雄时期天珠的真实存在和盛行.考古学家2015年在西藏阿里地区象泉河南岸一处古象雄时期墓地发现了地层关系清晰、明确年代最早的古天珠,系青藏高原首次出土。

The earliest Tianzhu was Xiangxiong Tianzhu. In 2014, researchers of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences found the precious cultural relics unearthed on the south bank of Xiangquan River in Zada County, Ali District. Among them are the extremely exquisite celestial beads, which is the first archaeological elephant and male celestial bead unearthed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This discovery provides important first-hand information on the appearance of celestial beads in Tibet, and confirms the real existence and prevalence of the ancient elephant and male celestial beads. In 2015, archaeologists discovered the earliest ancient celestial bead with a clear formation relationship on the south bank of the Xiangquan River in the Ali region in Tibet, which was the first unearthed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.


Tianzhu has the incomparable value of jade and diamonds. In recent years, its popularity has gradually improved, and there is a certain recognition in the public. Various totems of Tianzhu also bring a feeling of beauty, and there is a large room for the future appreciation. Jet Li, a film and television superstar, believes in Buddhism and has numerous collection of beads. Since Dabao Fa Temple spent 20 million yuan to obtain a natural bead, its value has attracted wide attention from the world. Jet Li wears a string of nine eyes sky beads, only a bead is worth more than one million yuan, and can make together such a string of bracelets, is unique



Nine eyes symbolize the operation of nine planets, including the operation of the universe and human thinking, weakening into strong. Represents the collection of merit, compassionate growth, prominent authority, great interests, is the most precious pearl; the supreme noble spirit, all undertakings in the world rapid achievement, can exempt all disasters! This nine eye beads set nine multiplication of merit, compassionate growth, authority, the meaning of joy. Supreme noble gas, the cause of the world all rapid achievements, for the best product in the pearl, can be exempted from all disasters. The bead symbolizes "pure and spotless" and represents the supreme honor, freshness, peace, happiness and all perfection. A representation of auspicious, noble, successful, and wealth growth. The circulation price of such celestial beads in Tibet is very high. Due to the mysterious origin and special religious significance of the beads, in the ancient beads, the market value of the bead has always laughed proud beads, is worthy of the name "king of the beads", especially the value of nine eye beads is immeasurable.


Due to its unique natural eyes, coupled with the Buddhist historical color and rare raw stone resources, it makes it become a rare collection for collectors. In recent years, with the rise of games, players have more understanding and pursuit of natural natural beads, so that the value of Tianzhu exploded. Now a nine-eyed stone shale on the market has been worth hundreds of thousands of beads, and there is a huge room for rise.

